How I Can Help with
An ADHD Research Project

Nicole wrote me requesting help with her ADHD research project. She tried contacting other websites for help, but they did not contact her back.

She contacted me and I responded right away. View the original post and then continue.

Nicole's Request for help with ADHD research project

We exchanged a couple emails after the last post.

I thought about her this week and decided to email to find out the results of her project.

To TJ.

hey, yeah everything went great and we got a really good mark. We used your analogy and also changed it around as well and had different groups juggling and others doing a word slueth or maths problems while their friends spoke to them about the weekend, plus the added noise from the classroom and everyone said it was great.

Then we just did some other activities like a role play and some other things. Everyone said it was great and we seemed to really know what we were talking about.. Thank you for you help


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If you need help with your group research project, ask me how I can help.

Nicole looked like an expert. You know that from this remark, we seemed to really know what we were talking about..

I gave her a couple ideas to run with and I told her to be creative. And that is exactly what she did. With my help, she received a good grade or as she calls it, a really good mark.

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If you would like to receive a good grade and look like an expert, than you want me help. So, ask away. Make sure you give me the details. If you are doing an ADHD research paper, use me as a reference.

TJ Chambers