Natural Medicine for ADHD, Natural Remedies for ADHD

Looking for natural medicine for ADHD? The medications for ADHD are so deadly I can understand why you are. You also want to help the body and not try to alter it, which is what medication does.

Let me give you an example. If you get a splinter in your foot and everytime you walk it hurts. If you take pain medication to stop the pain, then all you are doing is altering the body to stop the pain.

The splinter needs to be removed to get to the root of the problem. ADHD is no different then a splinter in the foot. You can look for ADHD remedies, but first, you have to get to the root of the problem.

Once you get to the root of the problem, than the natural remedies for ADHD will help because you know exactly what you are looking for.

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That is how "cures" and remedies should work.

This site is dedicated to the root of the problems of ADHD. They range from mineral deficiencies, to vitamin deficiencies, and food sensitivities.

I talk more about the approach of looking for a natural medicine to help with ADHD on the Herbal Medicine for ADHD page. Visit this page and the other recommended pages listed there. Pages on diet, vitamins and other natural alternatives.

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