What is ADHD?

by TJ Chambers

An answer, hopefully a simple one, to your question, What is ADHD?

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a set of behavioral patterns that are the result of an unknown cause, as the specialist say.

Let me see how simple I can make this.

The DSM IV is the manual used to diagnose patients that visit a doctor. You can read all about it and symptoms on the ADHD symptoms page.

What it says, if you see these certain behaviors, then this person has ADHD.

If the person has problems with impulsivity, attention, and hyperactivity beyond the reasonable amount, then that would be a yes.

If you would like to see specific examples, review this free ADHD Assessment Checklist Yes to 20 more more could mean the person has ADHD and that would be a perfect way for you to see what kind of behavioral patterns they would have.

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