ADHD and Iron Deficiency

Are there any ties between ADHD and iron deficiency? The video on this page discusses this question.

There are some symptoms that are similar, like tiredness, depression, lack of motivation. The reasoning behind them are very different but root back to the same source.

Iron deficiency comes from things like, poor diet in iron rich vegetables and meats and/or external/internal bleeding or an over acting menstrual cycle.

The loss of blood depletes the body of iron if it is not added back in at the same amounts.

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Uncontrollable ADHD symptoms are mainly the result of a poor diet with to much sugar and not enough protein. Usually the diet is loaded with processed foods that have a lot of sugar, additives, artificial ingredients, and toxins.

The body can't handle this kind of diet and the uncontrollable symptoms are as a result.

The book mentioned in the video is a great resource on the proper diet, iron and iron deficiency, and many major health conditions.

The book is The Protein Power Lifeplan by Dr Michael Eades and Dr Mary Eades.

Visit this page to learn about Diet for ADHD

Visit this page to learn about Causes of ADHD

If there is a diet issue, and the blood doesn't have the proper amount iron, be careful of the types of iron supplements out there. Most of them do not provide proper iron that can be used by the body. Some foods say they are rich in iron but all they do is take iron shavings and put them in food. Bad Bad Bad Bad!

Spinach is rich in iron. An herb called Stinging Nettle is also rich in iron. These foods wont have negative side effects unless you obtain a poor quality food/supplement.

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