What is the best diet For ADHD? ADHD and Diet have a direct relation to each other.
Since you are searching for a diet, you are on your way to a journey of finding wholeness.
There are people who say that diet wont change ADHD symptoms because ADHD is not caused by food or ingredients.
I personally know that this is not 100% true. I have ADHD and I know that when I eat certain things, I lose concentration, focus, and can even become hyperactive.
I also know that not receiving the minerals and vitamins I need can make the same symptoms happen.
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Let me give you an example. Eggs are very healthy and good for you. The best way to eat them is raw.
One day, I decided to eat 3 raw eggs every morning.
I then started having short term memory loss, concentration and focus loss, and some mood swings increase.
I stopped eating them, and all the symptoms were gone the next day. So, something that is good for one, doesn't mean it is so good for another.
Now, if I would have went to my doctor, he would have said, you have ADHD, so why not take medication for it?
Now I hope you see how the problem works.
This only explains the aspect of a food that can be an irritant to the body. The other side is taking a good supplement to make sure the body gets the minerals and vitamins that are needed.
I can only recommend the liquid vitamin and mineral supplement that I use. It is the only one that I have tried that made a difference day 1 when I took it, and when my roomate took it.
To learn more about a diet for ADHD, please see my Control ADHD with Diet page.