Stratera ADHD Medication

Stratera is a non-stimulant medication used to treat ADHD. It is correctly spelled, Strattera.

I had some experience with this drug. It didn't work at all for me. It actually made me sleep. I had such a hard time waking up in the morning, I was falling asleep at the wheel and at work.

I wasn't on it very long before I had my doctor take me off of it.

It seems that this drug has some of the same Warnings as the stimulants.

If you want your liver, than you don't want to use this drug. There is a sever liver damage warning on this drug and potential death.

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Because the medications have so many severe side effects, I always recommend using alternatives.

I know there are people who successfully use this medication and don't have any problems.

I hope that they take these warnings seriously.